A Medicine Wheel Prayer
by Rev. Ruth Hoppe
based on Innapuak tradition
Great Creator, I give thanks for the gifts of the East.
I give thank to Grandfather Sun rising today, bringing us
warmth and light.
I give thanks to the rock people, the first people.
I give thanks for all physical manifestations, including my
home and my own body.
I give thanks for new beginnings.
Great Creator, I give thanks for the gifts of the South.
I give thanks to the plant people, the second people,
and for the food, flowers, fibers, healing herbs, and
and beauty you provide us.

I give thanks for water and all creatures who live in water.
I give thanks for healing.
Great Creator, I give thanks for the gifts of the West.
I give thanks to the four-legged ones, the third people,
our animal companions who keep us from being
I give thanks for fire -- the fireball that created the
Universe, the fire that still burns at the core of
Mother Earth, and the fire within me -- my
sexuality, my creativity, and my passion.
I give thanks for transformation.
Great Creator, I give thanks for the gifts of the North.
I give thanks for the creatures who fly through the air, the
birds and insects.
I give thanks for the angels.
I give thanks for human beings, my dear ones, and all those
who live and breath on Mother Earth.
I give thanks for the ancestors.
I give thanks for the breath of life and for wisdom.
I give thanks to the sky above and to the moon below.
I give thanks to the center, the Spirit, the Great Mystery.
I give thanks for guidance and protection and knowing
we are all connected.
In the words of the Lakota people, I say
Ah-ho! Mitakweiysin! For all my relations!